Dick Norton, EA, FATP - About Our Fees for Services

Dick Norton Enrolled Agent

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I understand that prospective clients want to know what it will cost them to get the help they need.  I provide a general discussion of fees below that should be helpful.  Of course, you can always call me for a more detailed projection.  I do offer clients a variety of methods for making payments - cash, check, credit/debit card, PayPal, Zelle, and Venmo.  


My fee schedule is broken down into four categories:

Tax Preparation

My fees for preparation of federal and state income tax returns are based upon the volume of data to be analyzed and schedules required to accurately report your income and expenses.  Wage earners generally require fewer schedules, so the cost for those returns is typically less than the more complicated returns that report businesses, rentals and/or significant investment transactions.  I will be pleased to E-mail you an estimate for preparing your federal and state income tax returns if you furnish me a copy of your last filed return along with any significant changes in your financial transactions for the year of preparation. 

For individuals who live in the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, or San Gabriel valleys and because of age or disability have difficulty getting to my office in Santa Clarita, I do offer in-home return preparation.  I do charge a reasonable travel fee to cover my gas expense and time on the road.  My mobility challenged clients appreciate the personal service and convenience that in-home tax preparation offers them.


My fees for representing individuals, partnerships and corporations before the Internal Revenue Service (for an IRS audit, IRS collection or an IRS appeal of either division's determination), and the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) are based upon an hourly rate plus any out-of-pocket expenses such as for travel.  

Like most professionals, I do require a reasonable retainer.  The amount of the retainer will depend on the type of representation (collection, audit or appeal) as the anticipated work involved varies among those categories of representation.

Offers in Compromise

All IRS and State Offers in Compromise (a process whereby we propose to resolve or settle your IRS or State tax balance for a percentage of what is owed) are handled on an hourly rate basis.  With hourly billing, the more time and effort my client is willing to put into the required tasks, the less it will cost for the entire process.  Clients appreciate the opportunity to reduce representation costs by doing as much of the work as possible under my guidance. 

If you are considering filing an OIC, it is very important that you retain a representative intimately familiar with the OIC process who will be able to present your OIC case as persuasively as possible.   Please be sure to read the material on this web site that discusses Offers in Compromise in more depth. I have had excellent results in getting client OICs accepted. 

As mentioned in several places on this website, there is no charge for my initial e-mail consultation for discussing your potential qualification for an Offer in Compromise - providing that you have completed and submitted the OIC questionnaire.  Please read the Consultation page for more information on this. 


In addition to consultation concerning OIC qualification (discussed above), I offer limited free initial phone consultation for answering general questions regarding an audit or collection notice you just received and general options you have.  For instance, you just received a Notice of Intent to Levy (letter CP504) from the IRS, and you want to know what it means, and what likely will happen next.  

Please understand that free consultation does NOT include giving you specific guidance on how you can protect your assets or assessing your chance of prevailing on an IRS, FTB or other tax agency appeal given your specific financial situation.   

Office consultation to discuss your specific tax controversy does require a minimum of one (1) hour prepaid fee before our meeting.  You can either make the electronic payment or mail a check or money order to reserve a time.  Additional blocks of 30-minutes each can be purchased as needed.  Please E-mail or call me for more details.

Additional telephone or e-mail consultation time beyond the time purchased, if needed, is available at my standard hourly rate payable in additional blocks of 30 minutes.  Office consultation is billable at 1/10 of an hour increments (after the initial 1-hour block) at my standard rate. 

Just to recap, my initial e-mail consultation exclusively for evaluating your potential qualification for an Offer in Compromise - doubt as to collectability (once you have completed and submitted the Offer questionnaire)  is free.   Any discussion of other aspects of your case (such as challenging your underlying liability, audit strategies, asset protection, appeals, installment agreements, etc)  would be considered a formal consultation engagement, or as an integral part of our representation engagement. 

Expert Witness

My fees for testifying as an IRS expert witness depend upon the nature of the case, the location of the trial and other variables that need to be discussed.  If you are an attorney, plaintiff or defendant involved in litigation and are in need of an expert in matters relating to IRS tax law or procedures, please contact me and we can discuss your case and the potential value of my testimony.

With our years of experience, we firmly believe that time-based fees are in the best interests of our clients and our firm.


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