Our Canyon Lake Family




On May 19, 2020, we closed escrow on our lakefront home in beautiful Canyon Lake, California.  Located on the main lake with its private beach and boat dock, the property is ideal for family gatherings - especially water sports and just rocking in the chairs on the balcony and watching all the activity on the lake.  It is difficult to describe the peace and relaxation this home brings to us and to our family.

This was not our first time having a home at the lake.  Back in the summer of 1987, my parents purchased a home at 30606 Longhorn - the last home before Happy Camp.  We enjoyed that home which was home to our water jet Glencoe ski boat!   It was the perfect location for watching the fireworks on the 4th of July that are launched from Skipper's Island - not more than 100 yards from the water's edge of that home.  My parents only kept the home for about a year and a half - selling it around February 1989.   We had always said that someday we would be back - and now, here we are! 

The picture above was taken from our upper balcony.  I submitted it to the Friday Flyer - our local weekly Canyon Lake paper - which has a contest each week for readers to submit their photos for consideration for being placed in the paper.  The one above - which I submitted in early February 2021 - was selected and featured as the "photo of the week" in the February 2021 edition of the Friday Flyer!!

Canyon Lake is a community of actually three lakes.  The main lake (and the attached Canyon Bay and East Bay) are the main bodies of water.  There is a competition slalom course lake, and a ski jump lake.  Below is a short video clip of a professional skier on the slalom course.

I bought a drone to take some cool videos of our fun at the lake.  One of my earliest video clips is below - a trip from Happy Camp (the campground) to the dam and back.  The clip is below.

I developed this website to share with the family all of the fun and excitement we have with this beautiful home.  Clicking on the topics above will take you to the page that features content-specific pictures and videos.




A professional skier on the slalom course lake


I took my new drone on a flight from Happy Camp to the Canyon Lake Dam


A professional ski jumper in the Ski Jump Lagoon

Taking the drone for a flight above the slalom course