Here is a map to our Santa Clarita display.  It is at 23837 Sarda Road, Valencia.

Click here to display a printable map. After printing, click on your browser's Back button to return to this page.

Just for the children 


Santa asked us to put a mail box next to the sidewalk for receiving your letters to Santa.   One of his elves picks up the letters each night.  Ask your mom or dad to help you with your letter, then bring it over any time and place it in Santa's mail box.


If it is easier for you to E-mail him, Santa has given us his E-mail address so that you can E-mail him your wish list for Christmas.  The link to his E-mail box is on the home page of this site, or just click here to E-mail him now.


Important!!!!  Please remember that both Holiday displays will NOT be operating if it is raining, or if rain is forecast for that evening.