Thank you for inquiring about my preparation of your 2013 Federal and California income tax returns. By completing the information below, I will be able to E-mail you my estimate for preparing these returns. If the estimate meets with your approval, please let me know and I will E-mail you a Tax Organizer and Engagement Letter for you to complete, sign and return with your deposit.
NOTE: I have had some inquiries submitted without the sender's E-mail address or telephone number. That makes it pretty tough to get back to you! If you do NOT hear back from me in 24 hours, your message either never made it (lost in cyberspace), or more likely - you did not include any or accurate contact information so that I could reply! In that circumstance, please E-mail me directly (dick@dicknorton.com) so I can contact you, call me (818-842-5927), or resubmit your information (this time including your contact info). Also - some of you have forgotten to include the schedule/form numbers used in your 2012 return. This helps me evaluate the complexity of your return, so please ensure to include that information. Thanks! |
I have provided hyperlinks to pop-up windows to further explain or clarify a particular question (such as sale of business assets, office in the home, etc.). After reading the information in the window, just click on the "X" at the top-right to close it.
For a limited number of my clients, after reviewing your completed Tax Organizer and a copy of your 2012 Federal return, I may have to revise my estimate if:
additional schedules are required because you either forgot to tell me about some special circumstances that will require additional schedules or research, you checked NO to a question that should have been answered with a YES, or underestimated the number of transactions in responding to a question (e.g., number of stock sales, number of rental properties, etc).
I have to contact the IRS or FTB to obtain missing income or tax payment information.
In the unlikely event I have to revise my fee estimate because of the above, and you do not approve of the revised amount, you are under no obligation to continue having me prepare your returns. In that circumstance, I will promptly refund your deposit, less $65 (the software license fee - but only if I have already paid it to LaCerte).
As noted on the website, my estimate is based upon your timely and accurate completion of a Tax Organizer (an Excel or other form of document I will send you wherein you record your financial information that forms the basis for your tax returns). If your organizer is incomplete requiring me to spend unanticipated time to chase down missing information, that time is billed at my standard hourly rate. I always advise my clients BEFORE they incur this additional cost.
If you are unable to get me all of your information before March 15th, then I will request an extension of time to file both returns for a non-refundable fee of $75 (deducted from your deposit). You can easily avoid this cost by ensuring you give me all of your information by March 15th so I can complete your return in time for filing before April 15th. If I have had to file for an extension of time, I will generally invoice you for the extension fee as I would not have anticipated that in the beginning.
BEFORE clicking on the SUBMIT button, please print a copy of this completed form in case something happens during transmission. If the E-mail does not go through, you can always fax me the printed copy. If the E-mail transmission is successful, you should receive an acknowledgment within a few seconds of clicking the SUBMIT button.
Your information will be kept confidential. Upon my receipt of this completed form, you should receive your fee estimate within 24 hours.
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Updated 1/16/2014