Oddny Jonason

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Oddny in Winnipeg with
Vic, Clara and Frank 
c. 1923

Oddny at the Lake


Oddny and Andrew


Herb, John, Frank
Clara, Oddny

John, Oddny and Herb


Andrew with Vic and Clara 
c. 1920

Jonas Olaffson, Oddny's

Oddny's Sister, Inga,
 and her husband

Andrew, Oddny, Victor
and Clara - c. 1919

Andrew's Sister - Bella

Oddny's Mother and
Father - c. 1890

Oddny on her mother's lap with her father and brothers - c. 1892

Thorkel Jonasson,
Oddny's brother

Oddny in Iceland

Thorkel's Family

Oddny seeing Thorkel after 50 years in Iceland - 1963


Oddny with Vic and Clara
c. 1921


Oddny (middle-right) with her brother, Holmstein, and sisters Inga (top) and Sigridur

Victor, Clara, Frank and baby Herbert - c. 1929

c. 1934


Frank (top), Clara, John and Victor
c. 1938



Herb and John at
Boulder Creek Camp
c. 1934


Herb and John 


Herb and John
c. 1930

Vic, Clara, Frank and Herb on Gleneden Street
c. 1930

Victor, Frank and Clara
c. 1923

Oddny at 16 years old
c. 1907

Oddny (year unknown)


Uncle John's Father
Robert Hilton

Oddny doing what she loved to do best - cooking!

Oddny in front of her home at 2414 North Alvarado (house in picture is next door to her's); that's Frank '32 Ford
Circa 1945


Oddny on steps to her home on North Alvarado - 1965

This is left to right:  front row: Eric, Pam, Ron
 Back, Vickie held by family friend Mike Dunne, Truth Dunne, Victor, Thruda, Marion, Oddny, Herb, Sheila, Art Fuller, John.  (Clara or Frankie must have taken the picture).